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News Posts
- Let’s fix the Wandle Trail “missing link”
- Front gardens on the front line
- Coppicing: why it matters to the London Tree Ring
- Let’s go walkies! It’s Walk Your Dog Month
- Last call to stop airport expansion
- Tegelwippen: de-paving the Dutch way!
- The Blue Campaign: rewilding Britain, garden by garden
- London Mayor must tackle ‘mounting sewage crisis’
- We are looking for our first London Tree Ring Director
- Green Belt: food for thought
- New year, new water management systems?
- New Year must bring new life to Beddington Farmlands
- Our impact in 2024
- Could you set up a friends group for a green space near you in 2025?
- 10 winter walks in London
- How a fresh look at front gardens could help save the planet
- The biggest Big Give ever
- Why a planter should be top of your Christmas list
- We need to focus on what will really address access to affordable housing!
- It’s National Tree Week! Time to celebrate our woodlands…
- Ferdinand on form for Finsbury football pitches
- Campaigners call on Angela Rayner to stop the sell-off of England’s parks
- New hedges flourish across London – could you plant the next one?
- Public Space under threat in Islington
- Nominate CPRE London for donations from your club or workplace
- New insights show impact of rainfall changes on our plants
- Tree Protection webinar recording now available
- East London Waterworks Park campaign wins community award
- Seed gathering season gets underway
- Cities are critical for delivery of UK’s net zero goals, says new Report
- Green Belt: a critical environment policy?
- Urban Tree Festival goes from strength to strength with record attendance
- London Nature Recovery Interactive Map – can you help?
- It’s blackberry time – and your humble hedgerow is saving the planet
- Farm overlooking London’s skyline to be returned to woods and pasture
- Enjoy a rural ramble – in north London!
- Curious about pavement crossovers? Read on!
- Drive for profit, not people, has created London’s broken housing market
- Cricket fans team up to support CPRE London at Oval Hundred game
- Healthy Streets Scorecard 2024 launched!
- Scores of London green spaces in need of a new life – mapped!
- Recycling Scorecard 2024: results published
- Hedgerow Heroes applications for the 24-25 planting season now open!
- Public squeezed out as commercial events take over parks
- Rivers Week promotes value of London’s waterways in flood protection
- Make London a ‘Sponge City’!
- Meadows bloom across London’s parks and roadsides
- Wimbledon Park – A Threatened Beauty
- Meet our new Chair, Suzanne Wise
- Thousands of cyclists take to streets for traffic free RideLondon events
- CPRE London ‘makes waves where it matters,’ says outgoing Chair
- AGM marks a year of achievement for London’s countryside charity
- Did we manage to influence the London Mayoral Election candidates? Yes!
- Please help save historic Enfield Chase. Deadline 20 May 2024
- Coming soon: Scenic walk along the Wandle
- Enforcement delays are threatening Gorne Wood in Lewisham
- Green Defenders launched – find out how to join here
- Ten New Parks – action needed!
- Ten New Parks for London – update
- What we want to hear from Mayoral Election 2024 candidates!
- Mayoral Environment Debate 2024
- Create a Minister for Parks, says Parliamentary committee
- Top 10 environmental priorities for London
- London ‘Green Defenders’ tell their stories at report launch
- Hedgerow Hero – hedge planting events April 2024 – sign up now!
- Rewilded site in West London to be protected
- Nature vandalism – Lewisham Council must take action now
- Tiny Forest to take root in Bromley, in park near site of felled trees
- To manage flooding in London, we have to reduce car ownership. But why?
- Major new East London wild swimming park under threat
- Remaining Greenwich trees saved – but development threat continues
- Is London ready for climate change?
- CPRE London supports the March for Clean Water on 3rd November
- Lights Out! London Mayor must tackle light pollution
- Why the Green Belt matters – join our expert panel on 12th September
- Council abandons plan to lease community ground to West Ham United
- More off road routes would encourage women to cycle in London, survey finds
- 2023 – a busy year of achievements protecting London’s green spaces
- Urgent need to de-pave London
- Plant trees to help protect London from climate change flood risk
- Funds for hedgerow planting in 2024/2025
- M25 for Nature – the capital’s tree ring for a greener London
- West London allotments saved as green space for all
- New online map shows health impacts of lower tree count
- Find inspiration on two wheels – see our latest blog
- Dismay over Richmond front garden parking policy change
- Is a David & Goliath battle set to unfold over Whitewebbs Park?
- Crayford Marshes Vision published
- Boost your wellbeing with an autumn stroll through London’s green spaces
- The real ‘grey belt’ – finding space to build in London and beyond
- Protecting space for sports in London
- Think building on Green Belt will solve the housing crisis? Think again
- The next London Mayor must act to save London’s green space
- Protecting food growing spaces: two new guides for action
- New threat to key London nature reserve
- Barnet playing fields carved up: locals deserve better
- Weighty Wimbledon wade in to takeover neighbouring park
- West Ham United FC set to kick out grass roots football club
- Tottenham Hotspur pursue bid to take over north London park
- Hillingdon want more kids walking & cycling to school
- Labour can build homes and protect green spaces, says Starmer
- Former CPRE London Chair Donald Mitchell has died
- Nominate CPRE London for workplace giving
- Enfield application could trigger wider Green Belt destruction
- Take a fresh look at under-used urban land, CPRE London urges boroughs
- Take a green route through London this autumn
- Help create an ‘M25 of trees’ for London
- Campaigners shape vision for new north London park
- Redesigning streets could free up land for homes, says thinktank
- Call for better future for Bromley tree massacre site
- Take one acorn…a remarkable journey
- What happens when volunteers give 475 hours of their time?
- CPRE offers Green Belt vision to meet climate challenges
- Can you help nurture a sapling?
- How green spaces can protect our city
- Find inspiration from our bloggers
- New Healthy Streets Scorecard published
- Greener London – 6 month update
- Urban Tree Festival 2023 – highlights
- Action needed on London’s embarrassing recycling record
- London Rivers Week 2023 – the highlights
- Building on Green Belt will not solve London’s housing crisis
- Which London boroughs gain most from Park Friends Groups?
- Greening the Green Belt
- London blossoms in the sunshine
- Charities say 25% of public kerbside space should be freed from parked cars
- Rainham site achieves village green status
- Havering: should car parks give way to new housing?
- Join the Clean Air Wins campaign
- Bluebells splash colour across London’s parks and woodlands
- Net loss of green space in Lewisham must be addressed
- Density helps meet housing needs – and enhances environment, says Economist
- Urban Tree Festival – starts 13 May
- Join our webinars and help us mobilise for change
- Water Park could bring rare birds to east London, say campaigners
- Waltham Forest Lido: right idea, wrong place
- Hounslow residents rally to save Hatton Fields
- Hot summer affects London butterfly sightings
- Cyclists call for safer London routes
- Bexley campaigners ask for public’s help to save Crayford Marshes
- Tower Hamlets fails on green space, say campaigners
- Major update to our Parking Policy Report
- Supreme Court delivers important judgment for green spaces
- Kingston to protect its Green Belt
- Rewild the night sky, says CPRE
- Spring blooms in London’s parks
- Two major new parks needed in Newham, say green space campaigners
- Light pollution in London – urgent action needed
- Campaigners challenge Ealing’s bid to remove protections from parks
- Find a green route round London
- Lambeth Kerbside Strategy huge step forward
- Star count 2023 is coming
- UK is getting warmer, experts say
- M25 for Nature – the capital’s tree ring for a greener London
- Recreating the Royal Forest of Waltham
- 2022: an amazing year for CPRE London!
- Snow turns city into winter wonderland
- Tooting Common campaign victory
- Take action to support nature based solutions to capturing carbon
- Community fund creates green spaces
- Havering Green Belt under threat
- Enfield’s plans for Whitewebbs Park unlawful, we say
- Join Andy Hamilton and help save Wimbledon Park
- Let’s create ten new parks for London!
- A countryside walk in Autumn
- Meet the local campaigners: Josephine and AFC Lewisham
- Let’s transform St John Street into a park
- Why we need more action on parking, now!
- Meet the local campaigners: Anna-Maria in Lewisham
- David and Goliath: saving London’s green spaces
- How to Protect a Local Green Space
- Fall in car ownership in London releases 64 football pitches worth of space
- 13 proposals for the London Rewilding Taskforce
- May 2022 Green Belt report launched
- Creating urban green space in Camden
- Restoring London’s neglected green spaces
- Spring Green London Newsletter
- Working with local groups to counter threats to parks and green spaces
- Professional football or recreation and nature?
- A More Natural Capital Coalition – call for action by Councillors
- How to connect green space and London parks
- Trees and green space support mental health
- Hackney’s Green Infrastructure Strategy gets the thumbs up
- Forever Green? 50 threats to London’s parks and green spaces
- Ask your local election candidates to stand up for green space
- Why London needs to be a ‘compact city’
- 10 reasons higher density living is good for communities
- “To save the countryside we have to save our cities”
- Star Count London – ideas for children
- What connects rural England and ‘healthy streets’ in London?
- London’s Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land
- Boroughs must take more action on parking
- Celebrate Star Count 2022
- No building on green spaces in Croydon
- Early environmentalism in South London
- We need to protect more Local Green Spaces in London
- Space to build – for a million new homes and more
- Why Parking Matters
- Winter Green London Newsletter
- Why boroughs need to re-assess parking policy now!
- #PictureBlueLondon – the winning images
- Dangerous, polluted, congested – our main roads need action
- A visit to East London Waterworks Park
- We want 30 new parks in each London borough: let’s turn grey space green
- We’re looking for a new Director – could it be you?
- Why are London’s parks coming under threat?
- Green Space for All! – please support our winter appeal
- London’s rivers and waterways
- Five actions to deliver #GreenSpace4All
- London brownfield capacity soars
- London Rivers Week – book club, restoring rivers, and healthy water
- London Rivers Week – A walk along the Ravensbourne
- Reclaim our River
- Autumn Green London Newsletter
- A More Natural Capital
- London parks under threat
- London’s housing estates, infill and green space
- Summer Green London Newsletter
- Enfield Green Belt threat continues
- Grey to Green: Panel Discussion and 2021 AGM
- Housing strategy disaster for Enfield residents
- Grey2Green: repurposing London’s streets
- Spring Green London newsletter
- Star Count 2021: measuring light pollution
- Dark Sky London – help us see the stars!
- Bromley town centre under threat
- The More Natural Capital Coalition: Mayoral Debate
- Greenspace under threat in Bromley, Southwark and Hounslow
- Time to ditch airport expansion
- Grey to green: help redesign London’s streets!
- Public London Charter – our response
- London Plan finally published
- Bromley Open Space Strategy should not ‘dispose of’ parks
- Smelling the flowers: What a city park meant during lockdown
- Winter Green London newsletter
- London councillors revolt over Government planning reforms
- ‘Stop the chop’ – call for action to protect our trees
- No building on Castle Green, Barking Rugby Club site
- Parking a ‘shocking waste of space’
- Climate Action – essential steps to a zero carbon London
- Living with Trees – online book launch with Little Toller
- London after lockdown: highlights from our recent public meeting
- Government planning reforms require fundamental rethink
- Join our email list
- London after lockdown: priorities for a green recovery
- #PictureGreenLondon – the winning photographs
- Stag Brewery: no to loss of green space and too much parking
- Autumn Green London newsletter
- Black Girls Hike London
- Our annual appeal: create ten new green spaces for London!
- London after lockdown: priorities for a green recovery
- CPRE London AGM 2020
- No more through traffic in London’s parks!
- Behind the lens with our new photo competition
- Have your say…a new website for changing times
- The second Healthy Streets Scorecard
- Regenerate our countryside, regenerate ourselves
- The Time Is Now: for a healthy, green and fair recovery
- Lockdown lessons for government
- Appreciation of green space grows during lockdown
- Volunteer stories
- Spring Green London newsletter 2020
- Planning in the Covid era: call to safeguard public voice
- Green London Bulletin – August 2020 issue
- Coronavirus: we’re still working for a greener city
- Create more space for safe walking, jogging, and cycling
- Royal Parks urged to reduce traffic and pollution
- Our response to the Richmond Local Plan
- London’s Green Belt: our climate safety belt
- London Ten Peaks Challenge – EVENT BEING RESCHEDULED
- Your right to the city – do we need an urban right to roam?
- Say no to 700 more cars in Mortlake
- Reduce traffic on our streets
- London Boroughs Healthy Streets Scorecard
- Dark skies in London?
- Call for ‘phased closure’ of London City Airport
- Space to build in Enfield
- An urban ‘right to roam? – public access to land in London
- Space to Build: double the density, halve the land needed
- Tranquil London
- An update on Our Space!
- Tranquil city walks
- CPRE London AGM 2019
- Film Festival – showcasing the work of London’s Park Friends Groups
- Flight Blight! – the costs of aviation
- Threat to protected land at Green Dale Fields in Southwark
- Mayor agrees the Green Belt is London’s ‘Climate Safety Belt’
- New Year message 2020
- Our Winter Newsletter
- Unique opportunity to create new wild swimming park in Waltham Forest
- GENERAL ELECTION 2019: Londoners and millenials value green space most
- LONDON PLAN – our response to the Inspectors Report
- Hounslow Council set to destroy Green Belt the size of 200 football pitches
- Letter of objection to redevelopment of Dulwich Hamlet football stadium
- Response to Kingston’s Local Plan consultation
- London Green Spaces Commission
- Big Green London Map
- Space for over 280,000 homes on brownfield sites ‘tip of the iceberg’
- Enfield – Our Report
- Green Clean of Bow Back Rivers
- Road danger in Hackney “highest among the London Boroughs”
- Postcode lottery for walkers, cyclists and healthy streets claim campaigners
- The benefits of controlled parking zones
- Green London Bulletin – January 2020 issue
- Green London Bulletin – March 2019 issue
- Green London Bulletin – April 2019 issue
- Green London Bulletin – June 2019 issue
- Green London Bulletin – August 2019 issue
- Green Belt at Risk – Green London Bulletin – October 2019 issue
- Green London Bulletin – December 2019 issue
- Stag Brewery development – call for reduced car parking
- London parks: oases of calm ….or noisy and polluted places?
- Traffic Noise in London’s Parks: Research and Report May 2018
- Traffic Noise in London’s Parks: noise maps of parks in each London Borough
- Driving in Circles: traffic in London’s Green Belt
- Strongest Protection – one year on
- The “Strongest Protection”? Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land.
- Another Done Deal: Metropolitan Open Land acquired for school in Waltham Forest
- A done deal: how new schools are being built on protected land in London
- Family Housing: The Power of Concentration