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London Plan finally published

6th January 2021

The Mayor’s London Plan is now finalised after the Mayor of London and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government exchanged letters shortly before Christmas.

The latest changes to the plan suggest a more sensitive approach to ‘densification’ through stricter controls over tall buildings and slightly more flexibility for Boroughs to avoid the release of Green Belt or Metropolitan Open Land for housing by considering the better use of industrial land.  The ‘Publication’ version of the London Plan – which can be found here – was issued by the Mayor on 21 December and was formally adopted on 2 March.

This follows an earlier intervention by the Government to require changes which we fear could undermine the ability of the London Plan to promote better use of existing developed land and protect precious green spaces.   We wrote to the Secretary of State expressing these concerns along with a copy of our report London’s Green Belt:  Our Climate Safety Belt – you can download the letter below:


At the public examination a wide range of issues were discussed over 12 weeks including housing, design, heritage, industry, transport and green polices.  CPRE London participated in the public examination of the draft Plan which took place at City Hall in early 2019 and have been seeking to strengthen its environmental policies, particularly the protection of Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land, and improve its approach to housing, including by making better use of previously developed and wasted land.  Our written submissions on key topics can be found on the London Plan EIP library website here and our five priorities for the London Plan can be downloaded below: