Your right to the city – do we need an urban right to roam?
As London becomes more densely populated, pressure on green spaces and the wider public realm will grow. How can we improve public access in London? Over 90 people attended our 2019 AGM on 23 May to discuss these questions with experts including…
As London becomes more densely populated, pressure on green spaces and the wider public realm will grow. How can we improve public access in London? How will the Mayor’s Public London Charter help? Do we need an urban equivalent of the rural right to roam? Over 90 people attended our AGM on 23 May to discuss these questions with leading experts and campaigners including…..
Professor Antonia Layard (Bristol University), Kate Ashbrook (Open Spaces Society), Anna Minton (author Ground Control and Big Capital), Daniel Raven-Ellison (London National Park City founder), Marion Shoard (environmental campaigner and author A Right to Roam), Phil Marson (Inner London Ramblers), and Crispin Truman (Chief Executive, National CPRE).
The discussion was accompanied by an exhibition of illustrations by Jonathan Halls from his walk around London’s Green Belt and a guide map of a Croydon Railway Nature Trail, from Park Hill to Purley Station. The short film above captures some of the highlights of the event and a note of the presentations and discussion can be downloaded below: