More Natural Capital Coalition
From the threat posed to the city by climate change, to the depletion of our natural world, and the growing inequalities in health and wellbeing, Londoners need leaders who are up to the challenge of delivering a better future for people and nature.
Who we are
The More Natural Capital Coalition is made up of 20 leading environmental organisations committed to taking action to improve and protect London’s natural environment for people and wildlife. We are convened by CPRE London.
Although London is one of the world’s greenest cities, there is much more to do if London is to lead in tackling the climate and nature emergencies, addressing social justice and improving public health, including getting more people walking and cycling.
In addition to pursuing our campaigning goals individually, senior leaders and policy staff of Coalition members meet regularly to coordinate on ways to work together to add weight and focus to key campaigns.
We aim to:
- Engage politicians and officials
- Hold the Mayor, Greater London Authority and London boroughs to account on the environment
- Scrutinise plans and seek to influence decisions
Read about our top 10 priorities for the London Mayor and our 2022 ‘A More Natural Capital – an agenda for the London local elections’.
What we are currently working on
The Coalition’s main areas of focus over the coming months include:
- Influencing the next iteration of the London Green Infrastructure Framework
- Feeding into the Local Nature Recovery Strategy for London
- Inputting into the next London Plan
- Prioritising water management in London to tackle flooding and water pollution. We will promote the Sponge City concept by ramping up calls for the Mayor to take urgent action to create more rain gardens and wetlands. We will also lobby for actions which will restore front gardens to natural surfaces with greenery and permeable surfaces, and halt their further conversion to impermeable concreted over additional parking bays.
- Raising public awareness of key issues related to making London a greener and more climate change resilient city.
We will do this through participation in relevant consultations combined, where appropriate, with webinars, seminars and social media.
Our impact so far
- We brought key environmental issues affecting the capital to the attention all candidates by discussing with them our ten key calls to action. As part of this work, Coalition members met with the four main mayoral candidates and their teams, and candidates participated in a well-attended Mayoral Environment Debate on 25 March 2024.
- We influenced positions on environmental issues in party manifestos, with members of the GLA’s Environment Committee able to continue reiterating these points where relevant during the mayoral term. .
- Our efforts to call for for London to become a ‘Sponge City’ helped further build the understanding of decision makers about the link between action on urban greening and stream and river water quality and flood resilience
- In early 2022, we pressed all candidates in the London boroughs elections to support our manifesto, ‘A More Natural Capital – an agenda for the London local elections’, which identified 28 actions the Coalition wanted to see Borough Councils take.
- In 2021, we formed the Coalition to influence commitments from Mayoral candidates on our ‘A More Natural Capital’ manifesto, which set out an ambitious environmental programme of action for London. We held our first More Natural Capital Coalition Mayoral Environment Debate, and subsequently published a ‘First 100 days’ report on how well the Mayor was doing in delivering.
Email and we will link you up to relevant experts able to tell you more about any of our calls to action and how you can help.