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Thousands of cyclists take to streets for traffic free RideLondon events

By deliar
30th May 2024

Family-friendly day promotes joy of traffic free peddling for all ages.

Thousands of cyclists took advantage of this year’s Ford RideLondon Freecycle on Bank Holiday Sunday to explore central London on a seven-mile, traffic free route.

The event, which is arranged alongside timed races through London and Essex for competitive riders, attracted cyclists of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. It is a unique opportunity to explore central London by bike.

Feeder rides brought local groups safely into the centre from outer London boroughs, while arrangements were made to support participants with disabilities.

The seven-mile route took a journey through some of London’s most famous locations, from St Paul’s Cathedral and Somerset House to Buckingham Palace and The Mall. Cyclists could also try activities for all the family along the way.

Redbridge Cycling Campaign said a joint group of 110 cyclists from Redbridge and Newham had taken part. ‘Despite a brief shower on the way, it stayed dry and cyclists of all ages enjoyed the opportunity to explore central London on traffic free streets.’

Anna Taylor, director of CPRE London, said events like this showed the appetite among families for healthier ways to enjoy the capital.

‘It was wonderful to see so many people taking part. We have called on the mayor to reduce traffic in London by 50 per cent by 2030, and drive harder to reach the target of 80 per cent of all trips made by public transport, walking or cycling by 2028.’

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Cyclists in Victoria park
Redbridge and Newham cyclists pause at Victoria Park on the way to central London